Business Graduate Finds Joy in Completing Degree at Piedmont Tech

Sometimes now is not the time to find yourself. It may be what you are meant to achieve in the future. Nakisha Anderson knows this.

Anderson graduated from McCormick High School in 1993 with the intentions of going to college. While she couldn’t afford to attend a four-year university, she did earn a scholarship to attend Piedmont Technical College and enrolled in the surgical technology program.

“I struggled with some of the classes. Then I got married,” she said. “I was young and tired of school and ended up quitting. At the time, it wasn’t that important to me.”

She found a job at Self Regional Healthcare in the transportation department and spent the next 20 years working her way up to department assistant for security, environmental services and hospitality services.

“I’ve always wanted to be a secretary, so this is the perfect career for me,” she said.

In 2010, her manager gave her the push to go back to school. She had the opportunity to go anywhere, but she chose to return to Piedmont Tech.

“I wanted to go back to Piedmont Technical College because I wanted to finish what I started in 2010,” she said. “I was determined this time to finish and finish strong.”

In 2014, Anderson completed her associate degree in administrative office technology with a medical concentration. On the day of graduation, she decided to reenroll to pursue a degree in general business, knowing that it would be one more tool for her position at Self Regional. She completed her second degree in December 2016.

“I was so happy when I graduated,” said Anderson. “I feel like I have set myself up to be more successful on my job in the future.”

Anderson is now enrolled at Anderson University, pursuing her bachelor’s degree in business. She is on track to complete her degree in 2019.

“I can honestly say that Piedmont Tech has helped me grow in so many ways,” she said. “If I had to do it all over again, I would still attend.”