Campus Police Officer Honored for Specialized Training

Curtis Killian, a public safety officer at Piedmont Technical College, has been presented with the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Award.

“Curtis Killian is an exemplary officer,” said Terry Ledford, director/chief of PTC’s campus police and security. “This is very prestigious training and he did an excellent job earning this award.”

Any individual who has successfully completed FBI-LEEDA's Supervisor Leadership Institute, Command Leadership Institute and Executive Leadership Institute receives the award. The FBI-LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute is a cutting-edge program built especially for first-line supervisors and middle managers in law enforcement with the goal of enhancing their leadership competencies. The Command Leadership Institute is a dynamic, intensive and challenging program specifically and uniquely designed to prepare law enforcement leaders for command level positions. The Executive Leadership Institute program is designed for executive level law enforcement leaders and focuses on the emerging challenges facing the profession. 

“It was an honor to participate in this specialized training,” Killian said. “The instructors were law enforcement professionals. Anyone can write a book, but doing it is how you get knowledge and knowledge is power.”

Killian has been a member of the Campus Police and Security since January 2016. He is a Class 1 Certified Law Enforcement Officer with the state of South Carolina. He holds an associate degree in criminal justice from Piedmont Tech and will complete his bachelor’s degree from Columbia College in January.

“He has shown good leadership qualities; the officers, supervisors, and staff respect him and the decisions he’s made,” said Ledford.

Photo Caption: Piedmont Technical College Campus Police Officer Curtis Killian, left, is recognized by PTC’s director/chief of campus police and security Terry Ledford for earning the prestigious FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Award.