Anonymous Donor Gives $1 million to The Greenwood Promise

The Greenwood Promise capital campaign is off to a fast start with an anonymous donation of $1 million to ensure its success.

“This is such a generous contribution,” said Campaign Chair and Self Regional Healthcare President/CEO Jim Pfeiffer. “The enthusiasm for this game-changing initiative is inspiring and contagious. The Promise opens the door of opportunity for all high school graduates in our county and advances Greenwood jobs for Greenwood people.”

The Greenwood Promise is an educational initiative spearheaded by The Greenwood Partnership Alliance, Greenwood County’s economic development organization. An endowment is being established that will promise all eligible Greenwood County high school graduates tuition assistance towards an Associate Degree. The capital campaign is currently in a quiet phase and is slated to hold a public kick-off event on Oct. 21.

“We know that The Greenwood Promise will have a transformative impact on Greenwood County and provide hope for future generations to come,” said Pfeiffer. “The fact that we are getting this level of support is an amazing testimony to the kind of leadership, vision, and determination that exists in our community.”

The kick-off event Oct. 21 will be held at The Inn on the Square from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. In addition to Pfeiffer, other participants include Heather Simmons Jones, CEO of The Greenwood Partnership Alliance; Jim Medford, chairman of Greenwood Partnership Alliance; Ron Millender, The Greenwood Promise steering committee chairman; Dr. Darrell Johnson, Greenwood District 50 superintendent; and other community leaders from Greenwood County; The youth choir from Woodfields Elementary School will perform.

The Greenwood Promise is set up as a Limited Liability Corporation (L.L.C.) with an allied 501 (c) (3) foundation focused on improving the workforce and the quality of life of the Greenwood community. Specifically, The Greenwood Promise is an educational initiative aimed at increasing the economic growth of Greenwood County by promoting postsecondary education and thereby ensuring a skilled and educated workforce. This initiative enables Greenwood County to be a viable competitor in both industry and community attractiveness by promising all eligible Greenwood County high school graduates tuition assistance. The program supports an Associate’s Degree and hopes to provide the opportunity for advancement to a four-year degree for those with the academic ability to succeed. For more information about The Greenwood promise, please call (864)388-1250 or e-mail:

Release provided by The Greenwood Partnership Alliance