Special Initiatives Show Community College is for Everyone

For the most fortunate Americans, attending college is a given. But for far too many, the barriers to a college education can be wide and vast. A number of community and technical colleges ― including Piedmont Technical College (PTC) ― have special initiatives designed for those who face the most daunting challenges.

Sometimes the imperative of at least some college experience is not realized until one tries unsuccessfully to enter the workforce. Piedmont Tech’s Ready to Work program is designed to help people overcome their struggles to obtain employment in three phases:  A three-week readiness workshop, two options for a certificate in manufacturing and, finally, an associate degree in machine tool technology or mechatronics technology. The first two phases of the program, worth $2,000, are free for qualified participants. Those who go on to enroll in an associate program receive up to $1,500 in scholarship money to offset the cost of tuition.

Another special program ― Call Me Mister ― is a national initiative focused on recruiting black male teachers into our region’s classrooms. The program seeks to help build a more diverse pool of educators and role models to serve in economically disadvantaged, at-risk communities. PTC works in partnership with about a dozen four-year institutions that accept transferred associate degree graduates into early childhood education, elementary education, music, art or physical education bachelor’s degree programs.

In that same spirit, MODELS Academy helps promising young African-American men become mentors, advocates and role models for youth in their communities. In order to facilitate a successful transition into careers and leadership roles within the community, the program’s holistic curriculum covers career exploration, academic preparation and college readiness, personal growth and community service.

April is National Community College Month, and the College Promise Campaign has called for four weeks of action to build public support for free community college. This week, PTC is heralding “Community College for Everyone” week by celebrating the diverse role models working in their communities to promote leadership and academic achievement.

For information about the broad range of academic opportunities available at Piedmont Technical College, visit us online.