Date Posted: November 4, 2020
Deadline: November 1, 2013
Organization: Avon
City: Edgefield, SC
Website: View Website
Wages/Salary: The wages and all will vary because it depends on how many customers you have at a time. Money can be made though if you put in the effort. You also have the opportunity to be involved in leadership. Once you decide this you can have people under you. Once you reach five dedicated people you will get $25 dollars per person and you will get a bonus of $500 and receive the title of Unit Leader, then comes the challenge of keeping the title and you can advance higher every campaign. The highest level is Senior Executive Unit Leader and you can earn $4000 or more every two weeks. (I can explain more about this in person when I meet with you to sign you up.)
You do not have to have any previous experience in sales to get this job. There is training available on the website. The only requirements are: you have to be 18 years or older, have commitment, computer with internet access and email, and $10. This ten dollars is what you need to get your starter kit. This kit includes 10 books of the campaign you are being signed up for and 10 books of the next campaign, an order book,a magazine called "What's New" that is for you alone that lets you buy demos and samples to help your business grow, etc.
You do not have to go door to door unless you want to. You can have events at local businesses, attend local festivals if they let you put a booth there, or you can have parties at your house. This business is work from home. The only time you leave the house is if you want to attend a sales meeting that is being conducted by the district manager or your former co-workers to keep up to date. You may also have to attend leadership rallies, conferences,and other special events. There are also incentives that you can work towards and be recognized for achieving them. Once you sign up with Avon you are hired the very same day and can start selling on that day. You do not have to wait for background checks to be done. Also this company will drop you if you are not active for so many campaigns, but you can be reactivated and start where you left off at, you can also quit at anytime. It is no set contract and if you become a leader and you happen to slip, don't worry you can always work harder and keep advancing because Avon will not fire you for any reason. This job is not just for the females, we can have male representatives, too. You can also attend weekly conference calls if you can't go to sales meetings.