• Looking for work?

    Find a job that aligns with your skills and experience. PTC is partnering with SC Works—an organization that has the connections to match you with quality job options.

    Find a Job
    Job Connections
  • Training & Support

    SC Works also provides career guidance, job referrals, testing, and training to meet the needs of employers and jobseekers in South Carolina. 

    Get Career Support
    Job Training
  • Build Your Workforce

    Employers looking to improve their workforce rely on SC Works for recruitment assistance and training resources. 

    Find Job Candidates
    Recruitment Assistance

Job Opportunities for South Carolinians 

SC Works matches employees with job training and in-demand jobs in South Carolina. Serving as SC's largest bank of jobs, they can help you find a quality job with benefits, boost your salary, and advance your career. PTC is proud to bring awareness to SC Works' valuable services. Explore how SC Works can help you find your next job opportunity. 

Take Your Next Step with SC Works 

Visit an SC Works Center 

Stop by one of our SC Works Centers to get all the resources you need to find your next job. You can use our centers for the following services whenever you'd like.

  • Look for and apply for jobs 
  • Attend workshops and networking groups 
  • Get information on careers and schools
  • Gain basic skills credentials
  • Receive assistance from partner agencies to overcome barriers to employment

Contact our team to learn more or to schedule an appointment at the center nearest you. 

Enroll in a Job Training Program 

Interested in a career change or upgrading your skills? SC Works can help with the cost of job training. Check out the services we provide: 

  • Books and training supplies
  • Assistance with any e-learning needs (internet service, laptops, Chromebooks, etc)
  • Support services (transportation assistance, childcare, uniforms, etc) 
  • Assistance with testing and licensure fees 
  • Employment opportunities while in training 
Eligible Training Programs by Profession

Using our PTC Jobs-at-a-Glance finder tool? SC Works often covers training for these jobs as well as the dozens of professions listed above. Reach out to learn more. 

Reach SC Works

Jobs for High Schools Students & Unemployed or Underemployed Individuals 

SC Works is looking to fill jobs across Greenwood, Laurens, Newberry, Abbeville, McCormick, Saluda, and Edgefield counties. They're specifically looking to fill roles for high school students and individuals who are unemployed or underemployed.  

Employee Directory for High School Students 

The SC Works Upper Savannah team has created a “Your Next Step After Graduation” directory of employers who hire recent high school graduates. The directory includes an alphabetical listing of approximately 100 companies in the Area that hire current high school students and recent graduates.

Download the Directory


Find a Job with SC Works

Reach SC Works

Thanks for connecting with us. Please share a little bit about your job skills and experience or company, and our SC Works team will reach out to discuss training programs and job opportunities. 

SC Works is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.